
Showing posts from February 27, 2013

creating stick stylish button using css3

CSS3 is rapidly expanding the toolkit that web developers and designers have to make visually appealing components without the use of images, Photoshop, or CSS sprites. While all of those have their place, and will never be completely removed from the development process, buttons are one component of a website that we can make dynamic, slick and scalable – exclusively in code. All of the CSS3 buttons that we create today will be styled forms of anchor tags. Some like to use button elements for these, but I find it’s easiest to use anchor tags so you can easily add the :hover and :active pseudo classes and quickly add href to it to complete the button. What We're Creating For this tutorial, we’ll be creating several different CSS3 buttons, all of which can have different colors, shadows, sizes – all using pure CSS3. We will be using the following properties: border-radius , linear-gradient , box-shadow , text-shadow and opacity . you might want to change some of these